A list worth sharing.

Image of Brian Kight
Brian Kight
  1. E+R=O (Event + Response = Outcome) is constant, whether you use it or not.
  2. The outcome is primary.
  3. How are you responding right now?
  4. Slow down impulses long enough to evaluate and decide.
  5. Bring as much discipline as you can in the time available.
  6. Focus on the things that create useful emotions.
  7. Recognize when disruptive emotions rise and let them fade.
  8. Act now.
  9. Renew your discipline every day.
  10. Build courage before you need it.
  11. Anticipate changes likely to happen.
  12. Adjust to all changes that do happen.
  13. Allow yourself to transform over different stages of your life.
  14. Choose to care.
  15. Bring value to other people.
  16. Believe in more than yourself.
  17. Use all your talent and build from there.
  18. Embrace the sloppy start and messy middle.
  19. Practice your discipline daily.

Discipline is the shortcut. Do the work.

PS - Reply to me. Which three will you apply this week?

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