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Man . . . there are times I swear you are hovering over me and my family during moments in our lives.

Adam Coach / Husband / Dad

Thank you for this. It was a much needed dive into my heart, soul, and being.

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Read Past Daily Disciplines

Harder than necessary for no good reason

Think about a specific kind of person in your life. A person you find it challenging to be honest with because of how they react. Someone you calculate how truthful you’ll be with so as not to upset them or invite their wrath. Someone you bite your tongue around because of the patterns of reactions...

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Here comes a fastball! Ready?!

Let us entertain, just for a moment, that honesty was inherently hard. Imagine it as the behavioral equivalent of hitting a 105mph fastball. What then?

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On the other side of honesty

Yesterday, I gave you two scenarios that involved honesty. In Scenario 1, you are speaking about someone who is not present. In Scenario 2, you are speaking directly to the person.

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Tell me the difference between these scenarios

Let's look at two scenarios where we have the opportunity to be honest.

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Is honesty hard or easy?

I will give you a glaring example of how your thoughts and beliefs feed your decisions and actions. It revolves around the act of honesty.

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Inside finds its way outside

Your decisions are the product of your thoughts. Your behavior patterns are the output of your belief system. What you think and believe feeds how you decide and act. What is externally observable explains what is internally unobservable.

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Life is all decisions in uncertainty

Step one is accepting that you never have all the information. Step two is not being paralyzed by that awareness.

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You don’t need all the information

None of us ever have all the information.

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Reality does not ask your opinion

You can wish your circumstances were different and wait for them to get better, but that is a losing strategy. If you want to win, you can't depend on favorable circumstances or shrink in unfavorable circumstances.

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