My dad, Tim Kight, died just before midnight last Friday night. He was diagnosed with stage 4 prostate cancer in April 2020 and fought courageously these past four years.
He would tell anyone and everyone, "I'm not dying of cancer. I'm living with cancer." And that was true. He was never dying. He was always living.
You could feel it when you were around him. You could feel it through the screen on a Zoom call. It was extraordinary because he was extraordinary.
Long before he had cancer, long before we worked together, back to my childhood, he would tell me, "My mission will outlive me. I know that. It's my job to be a steward of the truth while I'm here and move the mission forward before other people carry it on."
My dad served the mission well. Now, it's on us to carry it forward.
His memory lives. The mission continues.
Brick by brick. Do the work.
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