How fast could you get 500 reps if you started now?

Image of Brian Kight
Brian Kight

It’s not uncommon for people to avoid getting started because they’re not good enough yet. They convince themselves that once they’re good enough, they’ll do it more.

Whatever you want to get, whatever you want to improve, whatever you want to change . . . start now. Do it a lot. Train it somehow every day.

You can’t do well what you aren’t doing at all.

Think about it this way:

If it takes 500 full focus, max effort reps in order to see obvious improvement and feel more comfortable with it, how quickly can you get those 500 reps? It could be 100 reps or 250 reps. You may learn something on your 112th rep that changes your entire perspective about what you’re doing and why.

The point is you only learn that by actually doing it. All the growth is found in the work. In two years you’ll either be glad you started now or regret that you didn’t.

Embrace the chase. Do the work.

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