Only The Courageous Truly Advance

Image of Brian Kight
Brian Kight

I believe courage and quality of life move in alignment with one another. The course and quality of our lives is most shaped by the presence or absence of courage in our choices. Courage opens doors that will otherwise remain closed.

Think of where you are right now.

There is a decision you could make right now, maybe more than one, that would meaningfully improve a critical aspect of your life or at least start the process.

It could literally start right now.

Making that decision requires courage. Acting on that decision requires courage. Persevering when it gets hard requires courage.

It’s difficult to attain the quality of life we want, especially as that evolves, with insufficient courage.

What quality of life-shaping choices are testing your courage right now? And will your story be marked by the presence or absence of courage?

Everything is training for something. Do the work.

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