Want to succeed. Willing to fail.

Image of Brian Kight
Brian Kight

You may not be failing enough. And that's a big problem. If you want to succeed as you envision, you must start failing more.

Your ego doesn't want you to do this, but every version of success requires it. It's a paradox.

The Paradox of Failure is this: If you don't fail in smaller objectives along the way, you're destined to fail in the bigger goals you're trying to reach.

You can't make every attempt successful. If you're going to achieve anything of substance, you must attempt new or different things that flop.

You can't make every step an improvement. If you're going to advance toward a destination of significance, you must take steps forward that stumble and fall.

The path to massive success is paved with the bricks of minor failures and a few major ones. You must be willing to fail at any and every step along the way to the goals you envision.

Push yourself forward until you fail. Pick yourself up and go again. A little tougher. A little wiser. A little more aware. A little less worried.

You'd be surprised how quickly these little bricks of experience through failure build up to a lot of knowledge and skill that pave the road of progress.

Brick by brick. Do the work.

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