12 Specific Examples of Emotional Self-Manipulation

Image of Brian Kight
Brian Kight

Every feeling sends a message telling us what to think, say, and do. It urges us to believe a certain thing, react a certain way, and prioritize a particular factor. It tells us what to value, what to ignore, and what to emphasize.

It's not uncommon that our least productive emotions are the most convincing. The messages transmitted through our feelings are strong and persuasive, even as they mislead us away from our purpose and principles.

The message in our emotions frequently tells us to:

  1. Go back on a commitment.
  2. Doubt our own ability.
  3. Resist what is beneficial.
  4. Avoid what is necessary.
  5. Perceive a threat where there isn't one.
  6. Satisfy a temporary craving instead of a timeless principle.
  7. Pursue a minor interest over a major responsibility.
  8. Elevate a lower priority over a higher one.
  9. Seek revenge instead of excellence.
  10. Obsess over a problem instead of the solution.
  11. Criticize what's wrong instead of celebrate what's right.
  12. Envy what we don't have instead of enjoy what we do have.

Every feeling transmits a message. You can and must apply discipline by deciding whether each message is worth listening to, encourages you to excellence, and aligns with your greater purpose.

Only some messages are worth listening to or following. Many are not. What can we do when we feel strong emotions sending undisciplined messages like the ones I listed above?

That's a great question. Tomorrow morning, I'll explain exactly what to do with emotions like that. It will change life as you know it for many of you and really help others when you share it with them.

The time is now. Do the work. 

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