Belief - Day 1: Chosen or absorbed?

Image of Brian Kight
Brian Kight

Every belief has a source. That’s the first thing to understand and remember. Beliefs originate somewhere, either because you absorbed them or you chose them.

Absorbed beliefs come from any source outside you, like expectations from family, pressure from colleagues and friends, popular trends, opinions of famous people, and constant persuasive marketing. It is not an overstatement to say that your beliefs are under assault every day. If you don’t choose your beliefs, you will absorb them. Especially in the digital era, you can’t escape the influence, so the need to make your own independent choices is more important than ever.

Chosen beliefs only have one source, inside you. Consciously and skillfully choose what you believe to drive how you want to live. Build your life on the strong foundation of choice not on the weak foundation of popularity. Of course you see and hear the world around you, but you focus and filter, evaluate and decide for yourself.

Do not absorb your beliefs. Choose them. That may involve changing deeply held patterns you’ve never examined. Do not absorb your company culture. Choose it or change companies to one you can choose. Do not allow any belief to live inside you that you have not investigated, tested, and chosen for the value it brings to your life and work.

Do the work.

Today’s E+R=O application: When you have a moment of self-awareness about your behavior, ask yourself, “What belief of mine is driving me to do this? Is this a belief I’m choosing or have absorbed it?”

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