Can you create the energy you need when you need it?

Image of Brian Kight
Brian Kight

Doing the work to get things done requires the right energy, at the right time, and enough of it. With the right energy, anything feels possible. Without it, everything feels impossible.


Throughout life, you’ll have to create different kinds of energy to do different things.

  1. The energy to start.
  2. The energy to continue.
  3. The energy to finish.tin
  4. The energy to focus.
  5. The energy to compete.
  6. The energy to outlast.
  7. The energy to recover.
  8. The energy to start over.
  9. The energy to work in isolation.
  10. The energy to believe in yourself.

Embrace the chase. Do the work.


PS - Reread this list and replace the word “energy” with “courage”. How does it affect the way you view some of these?


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