Your circumstances will not always work in your favor. They insert friction, barriers, and adversity between you and the outcomes you want. Other times, most of the time, circumstances are indifferent to your desires, as they are indifferent to mine.
Circumstances are what they are without concern for our interests.
So, remember this principle of E+R=O (Event + Response = Outcome): Earn through your response what is denied by your circumstances.
When circumstances are not in your favor, the quality of your response must make up the difference. If not, you will fail to create the desired outcome. If you rely on favorable circumstances, you will lose far more often than you win.
When you do not produce the outcome you want, which happens to all of us, refuse to blame circumstances.
You know the desired outcome. You have a chance to earn it through the circumstances that unfold. It is not the responsibility of circumstances to fit your preferred responses. You are responsible for producing the desired outcome. You are responsible for crafting your response to fit the circumstances as they are, not as you wish they were.
Next time you think you failed because of circumstances, ask yourself, “If I experienced that again, how would I change my responses to produce a better outcome?”
You will experience more circumstances like that. You will experience changes and surprises, gaps and delays, constraints and inconveniences. And you will have more chances to respond better next time. If you learn and apply this lesson now, you will be ready for it all.
Meet the challenges of your circumstances with courage, discipline, and skill in your response. Earn through the quality of your responses what is denied by the reality of your circumstances.
Brick by brick. Do the work.
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