Do you believe in the transfer of belief?

Image of Brian Kight
Brian Kight

Belief in ourselves and what we're capable of is volatile. What we believe about ourselves and how we believe in ourselves varies from day to day.

A stabbing doubt counters every confidence. We feel unstoppable right up until we feel helpless. An energizing confidence defies every doubt. It seems absurd before it seems destined. One day, we feel deserving. The next day, we feel incapable.

Sometimes, our belief in ourselves needs support from the faith of others. Knowing that somebody else believes in us, just one person, might be all we need to believe in ourselves enough to do something amazing.

It's good to believe in yourself. Creating the belief you need to do what you must requires intense discipline. But letting someone else's belief in you elevate your faith in yourself also takes discipline.

We all need to believe. It's okay to let someone else lead the way from time to time.

The time is now. Do the work.

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