E+R=O: Change isn’t as hard as you make it out to be.

Image of Brian Kight
Brian Kight

Yesterday we discussed the value of doing hard things, which is so important I’m mentioning it again and linking you back to it. Today let’s address something that probably isn’t as hard as you’re making it out to be: change.

The popular opinion on change, embedded in the mind of working adults, is that it’s always hard, painfully inconvenient, really uncomfortable, totally uncertain, and massively disruptive to your life. For most teams and businesses, this is the accepted starting point of a change effort.

And you wonder why people resist?

It just doesn’t have to be that difficult. See the change happening and adjust. It doesn’t matter if you saw it way ahead of time or it gets sprung on you in the moment. You don’t have to predict it, just see it and respond to it. It’s not that hard. It just isn’t.

Most of the difficulties with change are self-imposed reflections of your mindset, not actual characteristics of change. Your beliefs about change and the story you tell in your mind is 90% of the issue. Certain parts of change can be, of course, difficult. Don’t compound the issue by adding a resistant mindset to the mix. The simple fix is to stop telling unhelpful, and mostly untrue, stories about how hard it is to change. It’s not that hard.

E+R=O (Event + Response = Outcome). You don’t have to guess. You don’t have to worry. You don’t need fearful stories about future problems. The events around you change and the outcomes you need to create change. Don’t make it out to be harder than it is. See them, act on them, and adjust your response to fit them. This is what disciplined people do.

Do the work.

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