Everything gets revealed by time

Image of Brian Kight
Brian Kight

Everything gets revealed by time, including who you truly are and what you are truly about. Who you are at your core, deep inside, is eventually and always revealed to people. It is impossible to contain or prevent.

You can posture, pretend, attack, fake, hide, lie, and say all the right things. But you can’t stop what lives inside you from being found out. Maybe not today, maybe not this year, but everything gets revealed in time. What is in your heart makes itself known. It can be no other way.

  • Embrace what you want in your heart. Cut out what you don’t. Do both of these things with intense confidence.
  • Be completely honest with yourself above all. Hiding from yourself has zero benefit. It only increases your difficulty and initiates your downfall.
  • Choose to be the best version of you, not a version of you that fits the expectations of others.
  • Do not judge yourself for what you choose and do not absorb anyone else’s judgment. If it is right for you, stand firm. If it is wrong for you, make a change.

Do the work.

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