Face down the unknown future as the best version of you

Image of Brian Kight
Brian Kight

Thinking about the end of your life can be a strange experience. For some it’s frightening, but for most people it’s just hard to imagine it all being over. Sometimes the speed and busyness of life acts as a distraction that we’re all heading in the same direction.

What if fate revealed itself to you? If you knew exactly how long you will live and when you will die, what would you do armed with that precious information? If you had certainty about when it would all be over, would you live now with more courage?

Since you don’t know how much longer you get to live, why would you choose to live differently? Uncertainty greets you each morning. Your fate is permanently hidden from you, as is mine. Are you living with courage to rise up and face down the unknown future as the best version of you?

You do not get certainty. Everything can be taken from you in one moment. Embrace that. Live with courage in your daily decisions. Create the life you want in the one chance you get to do it. One day it will all be over.

Do the work.

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