Freedom Within Structure

Image of Brian Kight
Brian Kight

Full disclosure: I’m not a process-oriented person. I was wired for speed and results. I can’t stand a rigid process or inflexible routine. I crave novelty, creativity and, yes, even some uncertainty.

However, over the years I have come to recognize and capitalize on the power of structure as a means to increase freedom and accelerate results. Because speed and results with insufficient structure only ends in one place and it isn’t good.

We all thrive in structure. We all struggle without it. It starts as children, continues through adolescence, and extends through the rest of our lives.

The key I’ve discovered is to choose enough structure to provide useful rules and standards to live that produce the outcomes you want most. For some people it will be more loose, for others more tight. Self-awareness of your personal style, needs, and actual performance is what matters here. Discover the right type of structure for you. It’s actually super fun.

The most important part of this is to choose some structure, any structure, but only the routines and processes that serve a meaningful purpose. You can be strict if it suits you, but never be a slave to them. The strictness of the structure must follow the obviousness and size of the payoff it provides. 

Everything is training for something. Do the work.

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