Hamster Wheels, Rocket Ships, and Changing Tracks.

Image of Brian Kight
Brian Kight

In youth your lifestyle is mostly dictated by where you’re raised, the people who raise you, and the people you’re raised around. Intentional lifestyle choice, even if you’d like to have it, usually doesn’t start until the teenage years. From that point on it steadily transitions from someone else controlling it to you controlling it. Completely.

Now in adulthood, your lifestyle is your choice. Where you live, what you do, how you use your time, who you spend time with, what you consume, what you value, what you pursue, why you pursue it, and everything else is up to you.

You’re never trapped in a lifestyle. You have the power of choice and as long as you have that, your lifestyle is in your control. Whether you want to keep your lifestyle, adjust your lifestyle, or transform your lifestyle, the choice is yours. 

Whatever lifestyle you live, you stay in it or change it by your own choice.

Everything is training for something. Do the work.

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