No one can stop you but yourself. Nowhere is that more true, and more valuable, than the attitude you choose to live with.
While things about your life can influence your attitude, they never determine your attitude. Only you do that. Only the elements within you, not around you, decide your attitude.
If you want joy, then it’s your responsibility to be a joyful person.
If you want toughness, then it’s your responsibility to bring toughness to your circumstances.
If you want positivity, then it’s your responsibility to give positivity to the people around you.
Don’t look at your family or friends because of your attitude. Don’t look at your circumstances or the habits of the people around you. Look within yourself. That’s where the standard is set and the decision is made.
Once you decide to own that part of yourself and live it on-purpose rather than on-autopilot, you will attract both respect and criticism.
People love the experience of being around someone who owns their attitude, carries it with integrity, and shares it with others. It’s encouraging and attractive.
Not everyone will love it. Some people hate it. They criticize it for being too much of this, too little of that, and not enough like the attitude they think you should have.
But if you bring and give from an attitude of ownership, then you aren’t doing it for acceptance or praise. You’re doing it because it’s who you are and how you want to be.
Everything is training for something. Do the work.
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