How do we discover our purpose?

Image of Brian Kight
Brian Kight

It’s hard to seek purpose directly. It may not even be possible.

The way to purpose is through a mission. When we pursue a mission, it provides purpose through the effort it requires to accomplish the mission.

The mindsets, beliefs, emotions, vision, obstacles, responsibilities, and commitments required by a meaningful and challenging mission are vehicles to scratch our desire for purpose and discover what fulfills us.

A lot of people feel like they lack purpose. I think it’s because they aren’t pursuing a mission, or aren’t pursuing one that matters to them. When they find a meaningful mission to accomplish, they discover personal purpose in it.

It can be anything: running a half marathon, raising hard-working kids, winning a football game, helping a 10th grader pass a chemistry class, getting in shape and staying that way for the rest of your life. 

We touch purpose indirectly. Pursue a mission with all your heart. Purpose will emerge from there.

The time is now. Do the work.

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