Where your power ends, so does your freedom. Increasing your power expands your freedom. Discipline expands your freedom because it increases your power.
When your discipline is weak, your freedom shrinks. Too many other things have power over you. When your discipline is strong, your freedom expands. Nothing has power over you besides you.
Not comfort or rules. Not fear or authority. Not doubt or habit. Not pain or pleasure. Not criticism or praise. Not reward or punishment.
Discipline is power. Power broadens freedom. Lack of power restricts it.
The most disciplined people have the most power:
The most power over themselves. The most power to take effective action. The most power to resist temptation. The most power to defeat opposition. The most power to overcome adversity. The most power to recover from defeat. The most power to change. The most power to endure.
The least disciplined people have the least power:
The least power over themselves. The least power to take effective action. The least power to resist temptation. The least power to defeat opposition. The least power to overcome adversity. The least power to recover from defeat. The least power to change. The least power to endure.
All power originates from power over self. Without power over self, it is difficult to gain any power in the world, and whatever power is gained is soon lost due to lack of power over self.
If you want more freedom, you must gain more power. If you want more power, you must strengthen your discipline.
Brick by brick. Do the work.
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