Only Fools Ignore The Role of Luck

Image of Brian Kight
Brian Kight

Luck is real. The role of randomness, whether initiated by people or by nature, is a significant component in the machinery of life.

You and I are affected by luck. It doesn’t work for us or against us. It just happens. We’re affected differently by luck given our circumstances, our options, and our preparation for it.

There are some who believe they can build a life unaffected by luck but I don’t believe that’s possible. To me, it’s not if luck impacts my life. It’s how luck impacts my life and how much.

I believe the relevant questions to ask are:

  1. How much effect does luck have on the path and quality of my life?
  2. How dependent is the path and quality of my life on luck?

I believe it’s wise to recognize the role of luck and allow space for its influence in life, but not allow it to have too much undue influence. I don’t want to leave to luck what is controllable by me. I also don’t want luck to have more influence than my own actions do, even on things I don’t control.

Luck has real influence. So do our choices and actions.

Everything is training for something. Do the work.

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