The 5 Inescapable Steps from ‘Thinking’ to ‘Results’

Image of Brian Kight
Brian Kight

What is the purpose of thinking?
To improve understanding.

What is the purpose of understanding?
To improve decisions.

What is the purpose of decisions?
To improve actions.

What is the purpose of actions?
To improve outcomes.

Thinking —> Understanding —> Decisions —> Actions —> Outcomes

You can use awareness of this flow in at least two strategic ways:

  1. Identify any priority outcome you want to earn and reverse engineer what must occur in the previous step to produce what's required in the next step.
  2. When you notice a dysfunction or failure, identify where the breakdown began in the flow and what needs to happen in that step or preceding steps to strengthen the flow and make it capable of producing the desired outcomes.

The time is now. Do the work.

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