There’s an old analogy about the relationship between the roots and fruit of a tree. Any tree that hopes to produce abundant, delicious fruit must have a strong root system to nourish that tree. If the root system is too shallow or too weak the tree will not bear the fruit expected.
As the analogy goes, the same is true for people. If we are to bear worthy fruit in our lives we must establish a root system that nourishes us in a way that aligns with our expectations of production.
What do roots do for a tree? They give it strength, stability, and sustenance. If the tree is going to grow high, the roots have to grow deep. Roots need to supply sustenance to feed the tree’s growth and production. But the higher it grows the more exposed it becomes to threats. Roots need to be strong and stable for when the tree experiences storms and floods that threaten to tear it up and knock it down.
Your roots play the same role in your life. Your growth and production will flow from the source of the roots you build and how well they nourish you. The strength and stability of your roots decide whether the adversity and challenges of life tear you up and knock you down or whether you endure them with resilience and determination.
The true strength of a tree is not visible above ground. What you see is a product of its true strength. The strength of its roots.
The true strength of a person is not visible to the eye or audible to ear. What you see and experience is a product of a person’s true strength. The strength of their roots.
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