The “Planting Seeds” Parenting Method

Image of Brian Kight
Brian Kight

You can't force a flower to bloom ahead of its time. It will flourish when the conditions are right. If it's yet to bloom, it's because the requirements aren’t ready for it to bloom.

As parents, we plant seeds with our kids. The seeds we plant won't grow and blossom for many years. Roots must develop first. Strong, deep, and secure. Roots are growing below the surface long before we see any signs of growth above the surface.

Before a single stem breaks the soil, let alone reaches full bloom, seeds need roots.

Keep planting seeds. Don't get discouraged when you don't see them blossoming on your desired timeline. The roots are still growing below the surface.

Water the seeds you plant. Create an environment that promotes strong root development. Blossoming will happen when the roots are robust and conditions are right.

Our responsibility is to plant seeds and support the development of strong roots. We can't force a flower to bloom ahead of its time, but we can always provide what is necessary for it to grow and flourish.

Brick by brick. Do the work.

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