Today’s behavior skill is: HUMILITY

Image of Brian Kight
Brian Kight

Humility gets preached, but rarely taught. People tell you to BE humble, but rarely teach HOW to be humble.

The simple skill of humility is to be immune to praise, unaffected by criticism, open to feedback, and willing to do any work required to improve.

Humility isn’t the absence of confidence and it isn’t “thinking of yourself less”. Humility is rooted in a strong sense of self and is the foundation for the strongest form of confidence. Humility is essentially security. A humble person is secure in their position and their future, whatever it might hold, because they are secure in themselves.

Humility isn’t afraid of the truth and humility isn’t afraid of opinions. The truth only hurts when it’s different from what you think it is or want it to be. Opinions only harm when you attach your identity to them.

Humility has to be mostly observable action. If you don’t act on it, it isn’t humility. It’s posturing for image, covering up arrogance, indifference, or guilt. Humility is best demonstrated, not explained.

Believing in yourself is not ego driven. Real humility is self-confident, deeply and seriously. It is neither self-important nor self-critical. Believing in yourself does not prevent you from believing in the value of others or from acknowledging when you’re wrong. There is no chance that everything you’re doing is working. Take the self-confident and humble approach.

Do the work.

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