What North Star do you follow?

Image of Brian Kight
Brian Kight

If no one has ever told you this, you are responsible for discovering the truth. Not what you want the truth to be. Not what you're willing to accept. Not what is most convenient.

You're responsible for figuring out what is true, what is not, and what is unknown. Then, you are responsible for aligning your life with what is true.

Our foundation is strong and enduring when we build our lives on truth. When we build it on opinion, it's weak and unstable.

We will form opinions, but our first responsibility is to commit to the truth, not our preferred opinions. The truth is not subject to our opinions. Our opinions are subject to the truth.

There's nothing more important than the truth. Things like love, freedom, and virtue might be as important as the truth, but they're not more important. Perhaps that's because those things are rooted in truth and are reflections of it. When love, freedom, and virtue disconnect from truth, they cease to be what they claim.

Seek the truth, align with it, and build enduring strength for life.

The time is now. Do the work.

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