When you can’t control your emotion, control your action.

Image of Brian Kight
Brian Kight

Life doesn’t wait for you to work out why you feel the way you do. You need that self-awareness but can’t put everything on hold until you get it. Choices and actions in the moment still matter, even while you’re struggling through emotions you don’t fully understand.


Emotion wants you to do something right now. Every emotion. Every time. Respect that energy and do your best to direct it. When you feel something, decide what you’re doing to do with it. Stay in control of your action even when you’re not in control of your emotion.


Feel it. Respect it. Then choose what to do with it. Turn any emotion you feel into the best action you can identify in the moment. Self-awareness is the long game. Action is the now game.


Embrace the chase. Do the work.

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