You vs. The Noise

Image of Brian Kight
Brian Kight

We can separate life into priorities, interests, and noise.

Priorities are deeply significant things. Significant because they keep us alive, safe, and stable or because they define, improve, and fulfill our lives.

Interests are curiosities to explore and discover. Interests can uncover new meaning and, therefore, new priorities, or they can remain a casual release, a way to recover, reenergize, or experience something purely for the joy of it.

Noise is empty distraction. Noise proudly proclaims its importance and insists it's worthy of attention when all it has to offer is temporary entertainment and hidden regret.

Priorities, interests, and noise.

Everything has a place. I may not put the same things in the same category as you, nor you the same as the next person, but we all place things somewhere.

The danger is confusing interests for priorities and allowing noise to become an interest or a priority.

Simplifying life into priorities, interests, and noise is a quick way to reestablish much needed clarity and regain control when things feel like they're swirling around you or rising to an overwhelming tidal wave.

The time is now. Do the work.

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