Your Process, Not The Process

Image of Brian Kight
Brian Kight

There is always a process. Known or unknown. Long or short. Planned or unplanned. Methodical or uneven. It all combines into a process. Not the process, but a process. Your process.

It's not the process because your process may not look like anyone else's. It may follow an uncommon path or sequence. It may not involve commonly suggested steps or approach. It may be longer or shorter than the people who came before you, who come after you, or the people next to you.

You're going to go through a process no matter what. That much is certain — no sense avoiding it. The world will not wait for your plans or your confidence.

Get busy finding your process, or get busy creating it. Either way, push progress through your process, even if you're still trying to figure it out at each step.

Answer the call. Do the work.

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