5 E+R=O Lessons for Teenagers

Image of Brian Kight
Brian Kight

Many of you are parents, grandparents, aunts, or uncles. Some of you are coaches and teachers. And if you're none of those things, you know plenty of people who are. This note is for you.

E+R=O was one of the great gifts my dad introduced to me as a teenager. Because he introduced it to me early, my life lens changed, my learning curve accelerated, and my skill development exploded. Not instantly or magically, but massively and meaningfully.

In that spirit, here are 5 E+R=O lessons for teenagers:

  1. The quality of your responses, not the quality of your events, determines the quality of your life. Good events don't give you a good life. Bad events don't give you a bad life. How you respond to anything determines the quality of your life.
  2. You will engage in disciplined responses that won't accomplish what you want. You will engage in undisciplined responses that will achieve what you want. These exceptions will occasionally happen. Don't let them distract you or plant seeds of doubt that discipline doesn't work or that you can get away with undisciplined responses. Everyone who falls too far into this pattern fails. Everyone.
  3. Your responses create events for other people. Pay attention to what events you create for others through your attitude, action, and words.
  4. Everything meaningful to your life requires courage. Courage is a muscle. You don't have the option to eliminate fear or escape feelings of doubt. You have the chance now to strengthen the courage in your response. When you face events that scare you or doubt your ability to earn an outcome, you'll need your courage to be stronger than your fear and doubt.
  5. People will tell you what you want to hear and sometimes lie or withhold things from you, but E+R=O will always tell you the truth. No matter what. It will explain why you succeed, why you fail, or why you have yet to reach that point. When you want clarity and understanding about why things are happening the way they are, E+R=O will reliably give you caring and unfiltered honesty. All you have to do is use it.

The time is now. Do the work.

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