7 Hidden Truths In Every Relationship

Image of Brian Kight
Brian Kight
  1. Everyone you know is experiencing something deeply emotional they’re not telling you about. So are you.
  2. Everyone who knows you has opinions about you that they don’t tell you. So do you.
  3. Avoiding awkwardness or conflict explains more relationship decisions than people want to admit.
  4. 90% of what people understand from you in an interaction comes from what you look and sound like, while only 10% comes from your words.
  5. At least 50% of relationship and communication behavior patterns are not active choices but unconsciously embedded repetitions of the models we watched growing up (parents, siblings, coaches, TV, idols, etc.).
  6. People can change relationship patterns, but they rarely do. It’s more common to pretend on the outside while changing little on the inside.
  7. When there is a difference between the words you hear from someone and the actions you see from them, the words are a cover, and the actions are the truth. It doesn’t mean the person is lying. It means their action contains a truth stronger than their words.

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