Belief - Day 5: Team or individual?

Image of Brian Kight
Brian Kight

There is a conflict at some point on every team between what is best for you and what is best for the group. Team dynamics make this a certainty given enough passage of time. Countries navigate this on a large scale. Organizations maneuver this on medium scale. Families face this on a small scale.

A common request on teams is asking people to work without a sense of individuality, thinking of the team and not of themselves. It’s a mistake because people don’t do that consistently, especially under pressure. We have a sense of self and we protect our individuality, even on close teams.

Instead, do two things:

  1. Clarify how your individual 20 square feet contributes to and is responsible to the team, and how the team does the same for you. Deepen your personal connection to the group. See team and individual as aligned units, each serving each other willingly, not as competing units.
  2. Conflict will arise, so choose whether you’ll make the team sacrifice to meet your needs or you’ll sacrifice to meet the team’s needs. Decide when you’re relaxed so you’re prepared to act on it when you’re under emotional pressure.‬

Examine this thoroughly in yourself.

Do the work.

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