Bricks of failure build monuments of success

Image of Brian Kight
Brian Kight

If you want to succeed, you must fight your way through failure. I do not have access to a special failure-free path. I do not offer solutions that prevent all failures. Even if I did, I would not give them to you. Failure is too instrumental, too necessary to your growth, development, and journey. Every road to success must pass through the gates of failure.

Aim at meaningful but difficult targets and try to hit them. Set your sights on challenging summits and try to reach them. Yes, you will miss targets. No, you will not reach every summit. Yes, the harder the targets and the higher the summits, the more bitter failures you will taste.

But missing targets teaches you how to hit targets. Stumbling on your way up the mountain shows you how to reach summits. Take the next shot. Fire at the next target. Climb the next mountain. Charge the next summit.

I cannot promise that you will not fail. You could be 100 attempts away. But you cannot promise that you will not succeed. You could be one attempt away.

It is truly amazing how often we are so close to the success we want without realizing how close we are.

Event + Response = Outcome. Do the work.

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