Delaying discomfort is a losing strategy

Image of Brian Kight
Brian Kight

There’s nothing you can do about the presence of discomfort in your life. But you can choose a lot about how you’re uncomfortable and why you’re uncomfortable.

For example, referring to the past two days topic, positive people either choose the discomfort of pushing for better attitudes and higher standards or accept the discomfort of allowing negativity to thrive around them and eventually take hold inside them.

People who avoid discomfort create more of it. Discomfort can be delayed but that only makes it grow deeper, worse, and harder to climb out. Trying to constantly escape any kind of discomfort only deepens anxiety because it’s impossible.

Discomfort is the building block of growth or the pit of despair. The only decision is which discomfort to choose and why.

Embrace the chase. Do the work.

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