Productive Discomfort

Image of Brian Kight
Brian Kight

Short, sweet, and direct today. You’ll want to share this one with important people in your life. Let’s get to it.

You’re going to be uncomfortable. If you’re not there now, you’ll be there soon. There’s nothing you can do about the presence of discomfort in your life. It is an awareness mechanism, a signal of something important, and most importantly, it is the building block of growth. You can try to escape it, but that only creates anxiety. People who avoid discomfort paradoxically create more of it. People who embrace productive discomfort create better relationships and more success.


There is no version of you that will ever exist free from discomfort. There is no future without pain. The sooner you hold tightly to this reality, the stronger you’ll be. You’re going to be uncomfortable. The question is: what are you willing to be uncomfortable for?

Do the work.

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