Discipline and results are on different schedules

Image of Brian Kight
Brian Kight

When I write and publish a Daily Discipline, I never know what impact it will have on you. I always have an aim, but I don’t always hit the mark. Not all my efforts create the results I want. Not here or anywhere else in my life.

But I show up and bring discipline each day anyway, even when I feel disconnected and a million miles away from the goals I’m pursuing.

Because to succeed at the level you want, your discipline must be consistent when your results are not.

When we fail, the reason is almost always because our discipline fades when results don’t happen quickly or consistently. It’s the hardest thing for people to do.

While the consistency of our results is not in our control, the consistency of our discipline is. The consistency of results is not logical, sequential, or reliably predictable. It’s variable, volatile, and erratic.

Results don’t show up on a consistent schedule according to the discipline you bring. They lag behind, stuttering, surging, stalling, and simmering.

Results will never be consistent in the way we want, but if we want to produce them, our discipline must be.

Brick by brick. Do the work.

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