Discovering Weak Points In Your Mindset

Image of Brian Kight
Brian Kight

The mind is a powerful tool. One of life’s constant challenges is learning how to use it for you and not allowing it to work against you. 

Some aspects of your mindset are holding you back. They may even create many of the problems you desperately wish you didn’t have to deal with.

It’s hard for someone else to tell you that your mindset is the main problem. They’re not in your mind and can’t know everything that goes on in there. Also, when they do recognize a mindset issue, it’s hard to articulate it without potentially creating conflict. So people generally avoid it or approach the discussion with extreme caution.

The power of your mind is an asset at times and a liability at others. 

Will you do the work to discover where this happens in you and build better mindsets for the outcomes you want? Or will you stubbornly stick with the same attitudes that lead to the same experiences?

The disciplined person stays self-aware, learns from experiences, and makes adjustments. The undisciplined person blames anything else and continues the cycle of mindset patterns that lead to the same disappointing experiences.

Answer the call. Do the work.

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