E+R=O is the way life works. Get good at it.

Image of Brian Kight
Brian Kight

All of life fits into E+R=O. Application depends on how intentional, specific, and deep you want to go. There is nothing that happens to you or because of you that can’t be understood through the lens of E+R=O.E=R=O Graphic

E+R=O is a tool, not a concept. Tools are hands on. Tools get used. Tools require practice and skill. The beauty of E+R=O is that even if it only gets discussed and debated, the truth and impact of it is unchanged. It applies even if you don’t apply it.

If you want to be purposeful and skillful with E+R=O in your life, make it your filter for everything, not just some things. Go all in. Don’t dabble. Don’t selectively use it. Make it your operating system. Make it your lifestyle. Don’t just think about it, use it.

Do the work.

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