E+R=O: Stop fixating on events.

Image of Brian Kight
Brian Kight

If I could only use one model or framework in my life, it would be E+R=O. Event + Response = Outcome.

It captures the mechanics of life in a simple, elegant, and universally applicable way. Every moment of your life is a set of circumstances containing knowns and unknowns (Event). You always respond to your circumstances in some way, including non-responses (Response). Your responses to your circumstances always have consequences and lead somewhere (Outcome).

You can view E+R=O through an outcome-oriented lens (preferable) or an event-oriented lens (sometimes necessary).

The outcome-oriented lens looks like this: to create the outcome I want, given the event I'm experiencing, I will respond like [this].

The event-oriented lens looks like this: given the event I'm dealing with, I need to respond like [this] to create a good outcome.

The outcome-oriented lens prioritizes the goal, mission, or purpose that preceded any of the events you're experiencing now. It views events as merely the playing field to navigate on the way to achieving the bigger goal.

The event-oriented lens first prioritizes the situation or circumstance, then attempts to determine the possible favorable outcomes and required responses. It views the event as the defining factor for what outcome to pursue.

An outcome-oriented lens is preferable because it keeps you in a mindset of pursuing purpose and creating what you want rather than allowing the circumstances of the day or your life to dictate your path.

An event-oriented lens is sometimes necessary when circumstances alter or eliminate paths and possibilities. For example, an event-oriented lens is useful when the event requires resetting or recalibrating the larger outcome you're pursuing.

No matter which lens you start with, event or outcome, no moment of your life exists outside the framework of E+R=O.

You can even use E+R=O to shape the future. More on that tomorrow.

The time is now. Do the work.

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