Five Fundamentals of Disciplien: Part 2

Image of Brian Kight
Brian Kight

The first fundamental of discipline we covered yesterday is choice. That's where discipline lives or dies. According to estimates, a typical person makes 35,000 choices every day. That's a lot of opportunity to transform anything, one decision, one day at a time.

The second fundamental of discipline is the purpose behind your choices, specifically the objectives you are attempting to achieve.

Discipline exists in choice, and every choice has an aim. Discipline means being exceptionally clear and honest with yourself about the objectives your decisions are trying to create.

What is an objective? Anything you want or need to create, produce, progress, earn, feel, experience, or make happen.

Executing this fundamental looks like clarifying the priority objective and aligning your choices to create that objective. As obvious as this sounds, it's easy to rush, avoid, overlook, or ignore entirely. That's exactly what a lot of people do.

The average person has a significant disconnect between the objectives they want and the choices they make. The disconnect is either wanting things but failing to make the necessary choices or making autopilot choices propelled by fuzzy, impulsive, comfort, ego-driven objectives.

Bridging the disconnect between objectives and choices is the biggest opportunity for the largest number of people to strengthen their discipline and improve their lives.

Exceptional people are distinct from average people because they stay highly connected and aligned between the objectives they set and the choices they make.

So while discipline lives in choice, it depends on whether your priority objectives are clear. Only then can you begin to make disciplined choices in alignment with those objectives. This intersection of choices and objectives is the heart of your life. It's no coincidence it's also the heart of discipline.

Answer the call. Do the work.

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