Having trouble trusting simplicity?

Image of Brian Kight
Brian Kight

There are no guarantees, but the closest you can get to guaranteed success in any effort is doing the simple things with great discipline.

You've heard this before. You logically understand it. The problem is when you don't fully trust it and lack faith that it will produce the desired results.

Here's a script you can use to remind yourself to trust simplicity and resist added complexity:

"The further I move away from simplicity, the lower my chances to succeed. Not impossible, but it drastically lowers the odds my effort will deliver the payoff I want and expect.

The closer I move toward simplicity, the higher my chances of success. Not guaranteed, but it drastically raises the odds my effort will deliver the payoff I want and expect."

Edit this script as necessary to meet your needs and match your voice.

What would happen if you trusted simplicity for the next 24 months?

The time is now. Do the work. 

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