How special could you be?

Image of Brian Kight
Brian Kight

I have a challenge for you today. This will take years to accomplish. But it’s so worth it.

What are you so good at that others unmistakably recognize it as a world-class excellence?

This doesn't mean you're pretty good. It doesn't mean you're the best in your town. It's rare, extraordinary, specialized excellence in anything, even if it's a video game.

What are you that good at?

Because that is my challenge to you.

Commit to excellence – genuine world-class excellence – in something.

Choose any specialized task, craft, activity, or skill. Commit yourself to becoming world-class at it. This can't be a generic commitment. It will take years (10+) to reach the level of excellence I'm describing. It will require a form of obsession. Otherwise, you'll stop once you get good and miss the best benefits.

The craft doesn't need to be objectively important. Master the Rubik's cube until you can solve it in under 60 seconds every time. Or golf. Or telling stories. Or magic. Or powerlifting. Or repairing high-end watches. Or something more vital to your personal or professional life.

It's not the craft you choose that matters. It's not the impact, either. What matters is the commitment to it. What matters is the process and effort required to achieve that type of excellence. It's not what you could earn that matters. It's what you will learn. About yourself. About the way things work. About what's possible.

You might learn more from this single commitment than from 90% of the rest of your life.

Challenge delivered. Challenge received.

Your move.

Brick by brick. Do the work.

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