How to respond to complexity and uncertainty

Image of Brian Kight
Brian Kight

We live in an era of tremendous complexity. People casually misuse the phrase “unprecedented,” but in this case, it’s true. We live in unprecedented complexity that is only increasing. Nothing is getting simpler. Everything is getting more complex.

Complexity leads to uncertainty.

Uncertainty pushes us in one of two directions:

  1. Uncertainty can push us to discover what is true and what is not, what works and what doesn’t.
  2. Uncertainty can push us to become indifferent to what is true and what is not, what works and what doesn’t.

When I say “uncertainty pushes us,” I do not suggest that uncertainty is in charge and that you are passive. You are very much active. However, you may not be fully conscious or self-aware of which direction you’ve gone.

Complexity has a way of overwhelming us to the point we shut down our rigorous thinking and rely on our more impulsive, immediate gratification thinking.

Let this note be a shock to your system to raise your self-awareness.

Whenever you feel complexity, uncertainty, and confusion, ask yourself:
Will I work to discover the truth of this, or will I choose to be indifferent?

Brick by brick. Do the work.

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