I feel the need for speed

Image of Brian Kight
Brian Kight

A phrase in sales goes, "Time kills deals." It means the more time passes, the less likely it is that a deal will get done. More time allows for more complications to derail the mission. The same is true in personal discipline.

Speed matters. Your focus this week is to make disciplined decisions and take disciplined action quickly. No delay. No debate. Don't rush, but don't hesitate either. Decisive, immediate, disciplined action all week.

The longer it takes you to decide whether or not to act with discipline, the more likely it is that you will not act with discipline. Your internal voice is incredibly persuasive. Give it enough time, and it will convince you of whatever it wants. This week, you're not going to give that voice much time or attention.

It's possible that making quick, decisive choices with discipline could produce mistakes. That's ok. It's not like the alternative would be mistake-free. You'll make mistakes either way. However, errors of discipline move you in the right direction and are easier to adjust back onto the right track.

Think of it this way: I believe you know the disciplined thing to do in most situations. So focus on that this week and confidently act on it. Let's experience what that feels like and observe what it produces.

Answer the call. Do the work.

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