“I need someone to hold me accountable.”

Image of Brian Kight
Brian Kight

Discipline is a specific form of power. Power is the capacity to command, force, or assert dominance over something.

So, discipline is the power to have command over yourself. Because you can wait until something forces you or you can force yourself.

When your discipline is weak, your internal force is weak.

You won’t do certain things with excellence, consistency, or at all. You find yourself depending on someone or something to apply an external force to make you do them. When you feel that external force, you resist it.

Feeling this dependence on external force is dissatisfying. It feels weak because it is weak. And it slows your growth, progress, and performance.

But when your discipline is strong, your internal force is strong.

No external force is necessary. You are the force. You need no rule to tell you and no authority to make you. You make you. An external force can elevate you. It might propel you. But you don’t rely on it because you are reliable.

That is power. That is discipline.

Brick by brick. Do the work.

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