I wish I wrote this years ago.

Image of Brian Kight
Brian Kight

Discipline is a word people associate with a wide range of different meanings. When I say the word, I can never quite be sure what ideas, emotions, and experiences a person will attach to it. To some it means pain. To others it means strict adherence. Some people feel discipline is boring while other people feel it’s empowering.

You assign a personal and emotional meaning to the word discipline. It doesn’t matter what the dictionary says or what I say. What matters is how you explain discipline to yourself. What matters are the feelings that show up in you when you think about discipline. What matters are the experiences you expect from it.

Because you attach a meaning to discipline that you expect to either enhance or diminish your quality of life. You envision that it will add real and relevant value, bringing you closer to the things you want . . . or you do the opposite. You feel it will constrain you and your experiences. It will hold you back from the things you want and the life you want.

The most important meaning for discipline is the one you assign to it.

Discipline is the shortcut. Do the work.

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