Invisible doesn’t mean intangible

Image of Brian Kight
Brian Kight

You can hold a $100 bill but can't hold discipline. You can measure height but can't measure fear. You can weigh a brick but can't weigh love.

Just because a quality is invisible to the physical world doesn't mean it's intangible.

  • Does fear have any less grip because you can't count it with a concrete number?
  • Does love have any less meaning because you can't weigh it on a scale?
  • Does disappointment have any less sting because you can't measure its size?
  • Does grief have any less pain because you can't measure its depths?
  • Does fulfillment have any less benefit because you can't track it in an account?

Things like discipline, fear, love, courage, focus, and empathy lack the physical presence of bodily organs like your heart, lungs, or hamstrings, but are no less real and explain more about the state and quality of your life than anything you can touch or track.

The time is now. Do the work.

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