The dark cloud of pessimism wants to convince you that you are stuck in a relentless storm where outcomes are predetermined, and effort is pointless. Pessimism lets emotion masquerade as logic.
Like a runner who sees only uphill roads, the pessimist denies alternate routes and expects to be defeated as much by their circumstances as by their opponents. A pessimistic attitude is like having your foot permanently pushing your mental brakes, preventing forward movement and draining energy like there is a hole in the gas tank.
Optimism is trust in the sunrise. It is the unwavering belief that dawn will break, your skills will bloom, and the traction you create will carry you in the direction you desire.
Think like a coach and observe yourself. A good coach knows that every champion starts as a beginner and must learn how to earn. You don’t need the empty optimism of rose-colored glasses.
You need to trust the fire in your belly to fuel your persistence and progress. Optimism wastes no time debating probability. It simply generates the beliefs and emotions required and channels them into purposeful action.
Optimism turns potential into performance.
Event + Response = Outcome. Do the work.
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