Overthinking leads to underperforming.

Image of Brian Kight
Brian Kight

Thinking, planning, and preparing are in service of improving action. Smarter action. Stronger action. More skillful action that produces better results.

But people frequently use thinking to delay action rather than drive it. They busy themselves with planning as a delay tactic. They are endlessly preparing and forever stalling. All this does is dilute the quality of action and diminish the chances of success.

Thinking, planning, and preparing must never slow down quality action. They must accelerate quality action. That is their purpose, their role, and their function. Clarify, improve, and accelerate quality action.

Action that makes progress. Action that drives production. Action that delivers value. Action that creates experiences to improve future action.

When you think, plan, and prepare, ask yourself, "What purpose is this serving? Is it improving the quality of my action?"

This standard also applies to groups, teams, committees, and relationships.

Make sure your thinking is driving quality action, not delaying it.

Brick by brick. Do the work.

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