Pen and paper in hand? Ok let’s start.

Image of Brian Kight
Brian Kight

Looking at yourself from a different angle can help you understand yourself better and believe in yourself with renewed energy. I like this quick exercise to kick off your week. You can do it alone or with a group of people you trust.

Write down six things:

  1. The talent that’s always come naturally to you that has made the biggest impact on your life.
  2. The thing you’ve struggled most to learn (whether or not you’ve actually learned it yet).
  3. The criticism you give to yourself most harshly or frequently.
  4. The personal quality in yourself you feel most proud of when people recognize it. 
  5. The personal quality people see in you most frequently that you don’t believe is accurate.
  6. The most important thing that people who only look from the outside would not be able to understand about you.

The answers to these questions won’t be the whole picture of you. But they will be a different picture than you’re used to. New perspectives can bring valuable awareness.

Discipline is the shortcut. Do the work.

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