Ready For Your 7-Week Personal Priority Challenge?

Image of Brian Kight
Brian Kight

One of the biggest challenges of life today is choosing the priorities to focus on and doing the work without getting distracted. Do you ever feel like that? If the answer is yes, then this message is for you.

When it’s a struggle, it’s not usually because you aren’t aware of the things that need your attention. It’s because you feel there are so many things that need your attention. Feeling pulled in so many directions, it’s easy to go in circles.

Anything can be your priority, but you have to start making choices. So let’s start today.

I invite you for the next seven weeks to elevate three personal priorities above all the others. These three priorities you choose will not only get your attention, but your disciplined action. They will be, for the next seven weeks through the end of May, the center of your focus and object of your devotion.

What better time than now?

You know if you need this in your life. I trust your judgment. 

Everything is training for something. Do the work.

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